Thursday, January 11, 2007

New works and Winter musings

Been away for a while - back to Kansas for Christmas, out to CO to see my sister Betony and my brother-in-law Tim and finally back home to Vermont with Phoebe - the newest member of my little family! Phoebe is a beautiful little Corgi with lovely big brown eyes and the sweetest personality! She and I went on a nice long walk together last week when we had some amazingly unseasonable weather - great for a walk with only a light jacket! Phoebe has been my little muse this week - along with my Grandma Nancy and the poet Mary Oliver. My grandmother passed away many years ago, but I have always felt like she has been a part of my life and has somehow been watching over me and my family from wherever she is now. I always feel her presence near. So when I was home to KS I asked my grandpa for some old family pictures and acquired a beautiful little photo of my grandmother as a little girl. I loved it so much I was inspired to create a work about her and myself. Family is so meaningful to me! As for Mary Oliver, my good friend Amy let me borrow one of her works and I just fell in love with her words! So, as it always happens, a piece of work just emerged by itself and I added a little poem of Mary's called "White Flowers".
As for the rest of my life - it's as busy as ever! I've promised myself to have a series of all new works for the summer and have plans drawn out for the design of a new traveling booth for my art shows! Other than balancing my professional artists life, my dance teaching and still keeping the home fires burning and keeping the love light alive - the mountains are still here in Vermont, there is snow still falling, the pellet stove is burning away, the cats sleep and eat and Sandy and I do our best to be gentle to each other and support each other through the good and bad times. Thanks for visiting! Love and real Peace - Katie


Sprout said...

katie, these are so beautiful.. i love them. i also love corgies & phobe is such a cutie name. see you soon i hope!

Sprout said...

Also, now after meeting Phobe in real life, i have got to say that she must be the sweetest puppy ever. she made everything better in the 5minuites that i got to spend with her, i was just sad that day..& she was so sweet. blabing. see you friday katie!