Wednesday, September 13, 2006

A new sign!

Good morning!

It's a little rainy and grey here in Vermont. I woke up quite sore from a hard, but wonderful, night of teaching ballet and lyrical last evening! But today is my off day for dance - no planning, no listening to class music, no rolling around on the floor! - it's only time for art! Right now I'm working on a commissioned piece for a man and his family up in Canada. The piece is of their beautiful homestead, dogs, a cat and apple trees under a starry sky. I think it's going well so far, but it's always a little hard having a time limit - need to deliver it next weekend - yikes!
Another thing I want to add for those folks in the area, is that I'm getting a new sign out front for the gallery! My sign is being made by Third Generation Design out of Winsor Vermont and I can't wait to see it hanging out front! Look back later to pictures!
And now, on to a visual of my artist's morning:

Most morning I eat breakfast right here at the computer, contemplating spending the whole day right here - blogging, emailing, pretty much wasting a lot of time! :) But I've got a deadline in front of me, and this is what it looks like!.....

This is Simone - the always loving little cat, who is dreaming of her art expo at the Art Hop

This is the more time consuming Stirling (A.K.A Little Buddy). I spend a lot of time that I could be painting watching him out the back window in the fenced in yard - just waiting for that moment when I'm not looking so he can escape!

And here is a little quick sketch that one of my customers did that I will soon be making into a large scale watercolor - imagination is a big perk here! Stay tuned.

My messy art table - exactly how it looks this morning! Not terribly inspiring - but that's where it somehow happens! :)

And in just a moment, as I wait for the water to boil, this will be my saving grace!

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